Neck circumference
To measure the right size for a dish you need the following:
- your fur nose while standing
- a tape measure
Please note that the measurements are not too far on the head and not too far on the chest. Feel free to use a well-fitting collar as a guide. Please measure directly on your furry friend! You don't need to factor in any additional air, I will take this into account with every collar configuration.
If you don't have your furry friend there, you can measure the inside dimension of a very well-fitting collar. The collar must be closed for this! Please measure the inner circumference with a tape measure.

To measure the right size for a dish you need the following:
- your fur nose while standing
- a tape measure
1. Shoulder length: Only one side is measured here! Please measure the length from the breastbone to the shoulder blade.
2. Chest circumference: Please measure a hand's width between your elbow and waist belt. (Not too far back to avoid bruising.)
3. Back bar length: This is measured between the shoulder blades from the neckline to the chest circumference.
4. Chest bar length: Is measured between the front legs from the tip of the breastbone to the waist circumference.

Train stop
To measure the right size for a dish you need the following:
- your fur nose while standing
- a tape measure
When it comes to head circumference, it is important to measure at the "thickest" part of your dog, as when the collar stops pulling, his head has to fit through the collar and put it on.
To ensure that the collar fits well and cannot be pulled over the head in an emergency, please measure the circumference of the neck directly behind the skull bone, which is the "narrowest" point. This measurement should be taken closely, but enough so that your fur nose is not cut off from air.